v6.2 [Jan 20, 2020]
- New 'Code Virtualization' feature.
- New 'Hide Method Calls' feature.
- New 'Anti Debug' feature.
- Improved 'Control Flow Obfuscation'.
Added portable PDB file support.
- Improved obfuscation exclusion editor ('Obfuscation'->Exclusions'->'Exclusion Rules') to cover more exclusion scenarios.
- Added 'Obfuscation'->'Naming Convention' option to choose between various naming styles.
- Added 'Public Types Internalization'->'Filter' option to control which classes should be internalized.
- Added 'Create Mapping File'->'FileName' option to set the location where mapping files should be saved.
- Added .NET Reactor Azure DevOps Task.
- Updated Visual Studio 2019 Add-in.
- Imroved startup time of hardware ID locked applications.
- .NET Core Update:
- Added 'Single File Bundle Generator' ('Tools'->'.NET Core Tools'->'Single File Bundle Generator') to create .NET Core 3.x single file application bundles without increasing the size of your application.
- Now .NET Reactor can directly open self-contained single files.
- Added 'Code Encryption' support.
- Added 'Code Virtualization' support.
- Added Merging & Embedding support. All affected JSON files will be automatically updated as well.
- Fixed type forwarding issue.
- Fixed digital certificate server connection issue.
- Fixed GUI glitches.
- Fixed minor bugs.
v5.9 [Oct 14, 2018]
- Added .NET Core 3 (Preview 2) protection support.
- Added obfuscation inclusion option to enforce obfuscation for compiler generated serializable types.
- Improved Control Flow Obfuscation runtime performance.
- Improved hardware ID algorithm.
- Added support for the Microsoft Certificate Store. This way also code signing certificates with hardware token are supported.
- NecroBit and String Encryption improvements.
- Fixed JSON serialization issue.
- Fixed FIPS issue.
- Fixed minor bugs.
v5.0 [Mar 17, 2016]
Added SHA1 / SHA-256 dual-signing support for code signing certificates
Improved String Encryption
Improved NecroBit
Improved Obfuscation for generic instance type parameter names
Improved Obfuscation for serializable types and members
Improved portable/universal assembly protection
Added Unity 3D obfuscation support for compressed web packages
Added comprehensive obfuscation exclusion editor ('2. Protection Settings'->'Obfuscation'->'Exclusions'->'Exclusion Rules')
Enhanced Control Flow Obfuscation
Now '<ProjectFileLocation>' can be used as part of the target file path
Improved startup time of protected assemblies
Now .NET Reactor requires significantly less memory with assemblies you protect all at once
Added option to embed pdb files inside a native exe file ('2. Protection Settings'->'Native EXE File'->'Embed Pdb File')
Further minor obfuscation improvements
Fixed merging issue in case main assembly has no pdb file but the merged ones
Fixed resource signature issue causing possible AV false positives
Fixed icon group resource issue (native exe file only)
Fixed issue with short string obfuscation
Fixed issue with exclusion rules affecting virtual methods
Fixed control flow bug for methods which doesn't have return instructions
Fixed pdb issue when using the VS Add-in
Fixed VS 2015 pdb issue
Fixed obfuscation problem related to methods declared as internal protected
Fixed x64 protection bug (BadImageFormatException) with x64 assemblies containing a native entry point
Fixed FIPS compatibility issue for .NET 2.0 assemblies running in Windows XP.
Powerful debugger, drag-and-drop components, excellent tutorial support....