.NET Reactor is a code protection and software licensing system for software applications written in the .NET Framework.
This program received 8 awards
11.2 MB
.NET Reactor is a code protection and software licensing system for software applications written in the .NET Framework.
Stay away from this app!!!! they have 0 support!!
DO NOT USE!!!! The software that it obfuscated are regarded as malware by both AVG and Trend Micro and automatically deleted. This makes your software completely useless. I sent them two inquiries and they remained silent.
We have been using Net reactor for two years , renewing earlier this year. Only last week we discovered that the product has been hacked and tools that completely remove any protection afforded by net reactor are freely available on git hub. We made multiple attempts to contact the company for advice and support but have been totally ignored. This may have been a good product once upon a time but not now...It would seem the product was hacked last year so I would have to describe the company as unethical when they accepted our renewal subscription but failed to disclose the hack.